Storytelling is art and art shouldn’t kill – The legitimization of murderer
What began with a narrative arose to ideology. Today armies fight for land, while people fight for freedom We created our reality through narratives. Over the decades we created ideologies to manage life and it’s natural chaos. We feel belongingness when we share a common narrative with the people around us. but instead of just

Rocking Egos and Archetypes – Back to Bethlehem
„Politics is still developing the skill to walk while science is running to safe our lives.“ Back to the middle east, back to Palestine, beloved Bethlehem. I find myself like I’ve never been away. With different stories to remember and return to but just like it has been a blink of an eye since I

Hebron – The City of Angels (Part2)
Hebron called me back and I was wise enough to listen Hebron – The City of Angels (Part 2) It’s very likely that you will meet at least one of Hebron’s Angels when spending time there. Because the density of Angels in Herbon is especially high. Maybe because the circumstances require it.

Hebron – The City of Angels (Part 1)
„Dont let Ideology kill Beauty“ Hebron – The City of Angels (Part 1) Every script starts with one word. And the word would speak: „Father of a hundred peoples you shall be.“ But your wife would not give you a son. So you would take her maid to bring the word to live. But blessed you

Ascending from the cage of our stories – Ashtar Theatre International Youth Festival, Ramallah (Palestine)
„We often tell our stories a hundred times. We love to drown in our own drama and the compassion that we receive from listeners but we will never leave the cage. We have set it up comfortably.“ Ascending from the cage of our stories – Ashtar Theatre International Youth Festival, Ramallah (Palestine) This years

Getting a Chance where Chances are rare – The “Freedom” of being an artist
„Life sometimes seems to be like a crazy paper chase. We just need to be adventurous enough to follow the hints“ Getting a Chance where Chances are rare – The “Freedom” of being an artist Some people attach being an artist to the idea of being free, making your own decisions, traveling with the wind

New Eyes – A loveletter to Bethlehem
„I’m busy with finding my eyes again. I’m still looking through yours“ New Eyes – A love letter to Bethlehem „Sabah al Kheir! Kyf halak?“ – My arabic isn’t that good yet, but the vendor at Dawoods Falafel Place at Manger Square smiles friendly at me and hand me over my favorite Breakfast –

A journey dedicated to all entities that desire a life in freedom.
“In the beginning there was just him and me and the universe and Bethlehem, a magical little town somewhere in the land of dust and narratives. And there were his eyes. Eyes like a prison. The prison of a boy caged in his grown up body. The prison of a soul, surrounded by the